Based in the West Midlands, we carry out the maintenance, service and repair of sewage treatment plants. This includes sampling of treated wastewater from sewage systems, to prove that it is compliant with regulations, and safe to use. With over 25 years experience in sewage solutions, including treatment plants, cesspools and septic tanks, we've built up specialist expertise and take real pride in delivering excellent customer service.
Sewage treatment plant wastewater sampling
It is important to sample wastewater discharge from a sewage treatment plant for a number of reasons. Sampling the final effluent can determine the quality of treatment to ensure it is regulation compliant.
This will decide whether the plant is safe to use, as well as measuring its level of efficiency. The frequency of desludging a sewage treatment plant may be too much or too little, which information from sampling can provide.
As accredited installers of sewage treatment plants, we recognise it's a big investment and it's not something you want to replace in a hurry! Looked after properly, a sewage treatment system can last over 20 years.
We service all makes of sewage treatment systems, including Klargester, Titan, KEE, WPL, Enso, Conder, Bio Pure, PureFlo, Biorock, Allerton, Acorn, Uni, Ensign, Entec, Moduline, One2Clean, Graf etc.
Effluent testing
At Cotterill Environmental, we provide effluent testing for sewage treatment plants to ensure your sewage treatment plant is maintained to the relevant standards.
Our team will visit the property and take a sample of discharged water from the tank, and send it off to the laboratory to be tested. Results can be expected to come back within two weeks, confirming if the water is compliant or not.
It is important to note that our team requires the permit granted by the environmental agency to give permission to install the sewage treatment plant, based on the original percolation test.
Contact us today for expert advice!
Benefits of our service package
Peace of Mind
Get peace of mind that your system is maintained correctly and minimise the risk of unexpected breakdowns and nasty odours when you least want it!

Service report provided
We provide you with a service report after each visit to let you know how the plant is functioning and include detailed photos.

Prolong your system
A sewage system is a big cost outlay. Prolong the life of your system and ensure you get the best return from your investment

Reminders so you don't forget
It's easy to forget so we will send you reminders when your service is due, providing you with even more peace of mind.

Meet your legal requirements
It's a legal requirement to ensure your system isn't polluting the environment and failure to comply. could result in fines

Fast repairs when needed
Most repairs are done during a service or breakdown call out as we keep a record of your system and carry spare parts for your system with us.

Why use us?
Top rated customer service
We’ve built up a reputation for being friendly, professional and 100% reliable. You can count on us for excellent service.
We know our stuff
Our 30 year proven track record of installing wastewater solutions speaks for itself. We're specialists when it comes to the installation, maintenance and repair of sewage systems
Integrity and honesty are core to what we do. We're a family-owned business and are known for being trustworthy and hard working.
Contact us today for advice
0121 461 4861
Useful information on wastewater sampling
Here are some frequently asked questions about wastewater sampling from sewage treatment plants:
Why is it important to sample your sewage treatment plant discharge?
Taking a sample from your sewage system’s effluent can give you a clear indication of the quality of water being discharged into its designated watercourse.
Compliance with regulation
By testing the effluent discharge from off-mains sewage treatment plants, the quality can be tested against regulations and standards. If the results display that the effluent quality falls below government standards, then measures can be taken to fix any issues within the tank which would improve effluent quality.
Monitor performance
Similarly, effluent discharge sampling can be a good indicator of the overall efficiency of the sewage treatment system. If there are any components which are hindering the efficiency, then our engineers can assess this and suggest the best solution. This will make sure your tank is functioning to its full potential.
Protection for the environment
If the discharged effluent from a sewage treatment plant is below quality regulations, then this could contaminate local watercourses, and pose a threat to public health. By sampling wastewater effluent, homeowners and regulators can assess the environmental impact of wastewater systems on local water quality. Identifying and addressing sources of pollution can help protect drinking water supplies, local wildlife and ecosystems, and public health.
Protects the value of the property
By properly maintaining the sewage system within the property, its overall value is secured. If the homeowner looks to sell their house, the appropriate upkeep of the sewage system will ensure it holds its value, so that the seller can negotiate a better price. A poorly maintained sewage system will lower the value of the property, as additional maintenance costs may be incurred from new owners.
What are the consequences of discharging non-compliant effluent?
If your sewage treatment plant is discharging contaminated effluent, there may be many negative consequences. Firstly, the legal connotations of pollution can be severe. It can cause the homeowner to incur heavy fines or penalties which are enforced by environmental regulation agencies. In addition to this, the financial cost of fixing the issue within the tank which is causing it to malfunction could be significant.
In addition, contaminated wastewater discharge could have a detrimental effect on local wildlife and ecosystems. For example, the aquatic life within the watercourse could deteriorate as a result, or the wildlife which thrives in the local area. This will have a negative impact on biodiversity and cause ecological imbalance.
Lastly, contaminated wastewater poses a serious threat to public health, if discharged into local watercourses. Exposure to contaminated water can cause waterborne illnesses, which should be avoided at all costs.
What is involved in the sampling process?
At Cotterill Environmental, we provide effluent testing for sewage treatment plants to ensure your sewage treatment plant is maintained to the relevant standards. Our team will visit the property and take a sample of discharged water from the tank, and send it off to the laboratory to be tested. Results can be expected to come back within two weeks, confirming if the water is compliant or not.
It is important to note that our team requires the permit granted by the environmental agency to give permission to install the sewage treatment plant, based on the original percolation test.
Does wastewater sampling contribute to environmental protection?
Yes - absolutely. The testing of treated water from a sewage treatment plant will ensure that the system is compliant with regulations, and is not polluting the local environment.
What areas do we cover?
We cover the whole of the midlands and can also work further afield depending on the drainage project. Areas in the midlands that we cover include:
Birmingham (West Midlands), Coventry (West Midlands), Hereford (Herefordshire), Lichfield (Staffordshire), Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire), Wolverhampton (West Midlands), Worcester (Worcestershire), Shrewsbury (Shropshire), Warwick (Warwickshire), Derby (Derbyshire), Leicester(Leicestershire), Oakham (Rutland), Lincoln (Lincolnshire), Nottingham (Nottinghamshire), Buxton(Derbyshire), Glossop (Derbyshire), Cleethorpes (Lincolnshire), Northampton (Northamptonshire), Tamworth, Sutton Coldfield, Solihull, Lapworth, Knowle etc.